As you age, your ability to perform daily tasks with ease deteriorates. This may be due to an illness, injury, or just because of old age. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the road.


You can still live the life you’re used to with a little help. Hiring a CDS caregiver to take care of your basic needs is a great option. However, before you look into getting one for yourself or a senior relative, here are a few things you need to know about a caregiver’s roles and responsibilities.


Who is a CDS caregiver?


CDS stands for Consumer Directed Services. It is a Medicaid-based program that helps people with disabilities live independently. It provides them with personal care attendant (PCA) services, which allows them to do things on their own.


Through this Medicaid program, a patient’s family members or friends can be hired as elderly caregivers. CDS caregivers function similarly to regular caregivers. They are taught how to hire helpers to clean, cook, and take care of their kids.


Let’s look into the reasons why patients need a CDS caregiver.


Why Would Someone Need a Caregiver?


There are many reasons why you or someone close to you may need to enlist the help of a caregiver. Most of the time, it’s due to your deteriorating health or if you’re in the process of recovering from a surgery or illness.


However, this doesn’t mean that you are unable to take care of yourself. It just means that you need help with doing more strenuous duties like shopping for groceries or keeping up with medical appointments.


Other reasons why you might need to hire a helper include:


·         If you need to stay in bed due to an injury or illness

·         If you are immobilized and can’t take care of yourself

·         If you require assistance to get to your doctor’s appointments.

·         If you need to relieve the previous caregiver or the patient’s spouse.

·         If you are at risk of falling or hurting yourself.


When providing extra care for the elderly, the caretaker may take care of the basic duties like cooking and cleaning. However, you can also customize these responsibilities to fit your specific needs. Having a CDS caregiver also has the distinct advantage of being cared for by someone close to you.


Understanding the tasks of a CDS caregiver will enable you to hire the right person for the job.


What are the Basic Tasks of a CDS Caregiver?


Caregivers can perform a wide range of tasks and tend to different needs. However, their primary goal is to provide continuous care to their patient(s). Aside from personal care, they can also provide emotional support and other intangible services.


Here are some of the basic tasks that CDS caregivers can handle:


Feeding and Meal Preparation

Some illnesses and conditions can make it difficult for patients to take care of their health. Eating becomes a problem, and this can lead to their condition worsening.


Caregivers are tasked with ensuring their patients take a balanced diet plan at the stipulated times. Therefore, they are in charge of cooking and feeding their clients when they cannot do so for themselves.


Bathing and Bathroom Care

Some elderly patients experience difficulties with performing daily tasks or have incontinence. This may be due to joint or muscle problems or having weak bones. A caregiver must ensure that they get the assistance they need when cleaning or relieving themselves. Whether it’s bathing, taking them to the bathroom or diapering the patient, an elderly caregiver should ensure the patient’s dignity.



Choosing outfits and dressing up may seem easy, but it can prove difficult even to close a single button with a broken wrist or arm. This is where a CDS caregiver comes in to provide assistance.



Going out to shop can be quite challenging for the elderly, sick, or disabled. Caregivers can provide help by either offering to do the shopping for them or driving them to the location of their choice.


Laundry and Cleaning

When hiring a CDS caregiver, general house chores are also part of the package. They are in charge of ensuring that clothes are regularly laundered and that every room is in order. They can also help plan itineraries and pack clothes for trips.


Medication Management

Senior adults are prone to many chronic illnesses. Sometimes, this may cause them to be on prescription medication, which can be hard to manage. With the help of a CDS caregiver, you or your loved one can remember to take the medication at the right time and in the right amounts.



As seniors grow older, their memory may get impaired. This makes it harder for them to remember certain dates and appointments, like family members’ birthdays or doctor’s visits. A CDS caregiver can help with appointment reminders and take you or your loved one to your doctor if required.

Help with Moving Around

If you or your loved one are recuperating from a physical injury, like a joint dislocation or broken limb, moving around can be a hassle. Your physician may recommend using a wheelchair to get around.


But you will still need someone to help you get into and out of the wheelchair. A caregiver can help with accessing the wheelchair and moving from one location to another.


Physical Therapy

A caregiver’s top priority is taking care of the patient’s health. This includes more than just feeding the patient and monitoring his or her health. Ensuring that the client exercises regularly is a part of keeping them healthy.


Caregivers can take patients out for strolls and help them do light exercise. These activities can also help improve the patient’s overall health.



In many cases, the sick and elderly can suffer from feelings of loneliness and isolation. Such emotions can have negative health effects. Having someone to talk to regularly can play a huge role in improving your physical and mental health.


Caregivers are trained to be good companions to their patients and to build bonds that can help improve their health. This may be easier for a CDS caregiver, who can be the patient’s family member or friend.


The Bottom Line


A CDS caregiver plays an important role in the life of a senior, sick, or disabled person. These professionals can help make their patients’ lives as comfortable as possible. A caregiver can also boost morale and create an environment that can make the client feel much better.


Before hiring a caregiver, make sure to discuss with your doctor to determine the right care plan needed.

