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If you are interested in becoming a caregiver to a friend or loved one in the state of Nevada, you can look into Medicaid’s Personal Care Services (PCS) program. The program allows Nevada residents who are elderly and disabled to pay for a caregiver (or “Personal Care Aid”) so they can continue to live in their homes.


Below, we’ll discuss the PCS program, what it involves, and how you can get paid to provide care to a loved one through Medicaid.


What is a PCS caregiver?

While Medicaid is a federal program, it is administered in a different way by each state. Nevada is one of the many states that runs a PCS program for qualifying recipients (also referred to as “consumers”) who cannot care for themselves but who are able to direct someone else to help them.


If you are eligible for this program, you may hire a friend or loved one of your choice (other than a spouse or other legal guardian) to care for you and they will receive a salary. In the PCS program, the Medicaid consumer technically hires their caregiver and acts as their employer. They must be able to hire, train, manage, and even fire a caregiver of their choosing.


Caregivers can assist with the following tasks:

–          Eating

–          Preparing meals

–          Walking and other mobility issues

–          Getting dressed

–          Bathing and other hygiene tasks

–          Running necessary errands (such as grocery shopping or providing transportation to a doctor’s appointment)


The PCS program allows Medicaid consumers to live in their own homes instead of being placed in a nursing home. However, they must not have any cognitive impairments that would prevent them from acting as their caregiver’s employer and directing their own care.


If a consumer cannot manage an employee (even though it is a loved one), you will need to apply for Medicaid’s Provider Agency Care Program instead of Self-Directed Care. However, it is not available in every part of Nevada.


How can I be paid as a caregiver in Nevada?

Medicaid’s PCS program is a reliable way to receive payment for providing caregiving duties in Nevada. But if the friend or loved one who needs caregiving is not eligible for Self-Directed Care, you will need to investigate other options.

If your loved one is able to pay out-of-pocket, you have the option of creating a contract that lists duties and payment expectations and running it by an eldercare lawyer to be sure it meets tax requirements.


Other options for those without Medicaid or the ability to pay for a caregiver using their savings include long-term care insurance, worker’s comp, or veteran’s benefits. Each of these programs could provide a salary for a friend or loved one to work as a caregiver without going through formal training. However, it is not guaranteed.


You will need to call an insurance agency or the Veteran’s Administration in order to inquire about whether you qualify as a caregiver and the consumer is eligible for caregiver payment benefits. For example, if a veteran is seeking in-home caregiving services the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) at their assigned VA Medical Center will have to make the assessment to determine whether it is necessary.


Always make sure to get a caregiver agreement in writing that includes responsibilities as well as a salary.

How to become a PCS caregiver in Nevada?

These are the steps you need to follow in order to get paid by Medicaid as a caregiver in the state of Nevada:

–          First, the person you care for must have Medicaid or be willing to apply for Medicaid as well as the PCS Program.

o   The consumer should call Nevada Medicaid’s fiscal agent at (800) 525-2395 (then choose option 1, then option 4) to get the paperwork started.

o   The applicant will be assessed through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid based on their need, risks, abilities, and preferences for care.

–          Next, you will need to contact the state’s Medicaid office to confirm that your family member is signed up properly and to alert them that you plan to become their caregiver.

–          If the consumer is eligible for the Self-Directed Services Model (also referred to as Provider Type 83), the paperwork will be processed through a Personal Care Service Intermediary Service Organization (ISO).

–          Next, the consumer will need to create a written service plan in order to outline the assistance they need on a daily basis so that expectations are clear.

o   Medicaid will only pay for certain caregiving services (as listed above) and anything beyond those services should not be charged through the fiscal intermediary. For example, a caregiver cannot get paid to act as a housekeeper for an entire family, but they can do light housekeeping for the consumer.

–          Once the registration steps have been completed, the consumer will choose a caregiver who agrees to the contract and notify their fiscal agent.

–          The Personal Care Services intermediary will go through the care plan with the Personal Care Aide. They will also be able to supervise any disagreements or changes in the care plan.


Nevada has approximately 13,000 PCAs who provide nonmedical assistance to older adults and individuals with disabilities in their homes. Demand for these services will only grow as the population ages.


If you have questions about becoming a Nevada Medicaid PCS provider you can call (877) 638-3472.



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