Acupuncture has quickly become a popular form of alternative medicine in the United States. As such, there are several acupuncture offices that have sprung up around the Las Vegas area in the past few years. Acupuncture can, among other things, help manage chronic pain and ease mental stress/anxiety.
Of course, you may not know much about acupuncture. So we put together this comprehensive guide on the best acupuncture offices in Las Vegas for our PCS patients and caregivers. We will talk about the features of a good acupuncture clinic and pick a few of the best in the Las Vegas area.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves inserting small needles into the skin. The point of Acupuncture is to stimulate certain pressure points in the body to trigger various results. Acupuncture is believed to have numerous therapeutic properties and applications.
Acupuncture itself as a practice dates back to Ancient Chinese medicine. Acupuncture was used as a way to stimulate and clear blockages in the pathways that channel energy through the body. This energy, called “Qi,” is what is responsible for overall bodily health, and malfunctions in the distribution of Qi around the body can cause ailments. Acupuncture was developed as a method to manipulate this Qi and restore harmony in the body.
Regardless of the mystical and metaphysical origins of acupuncture, modern scientists have found that acupuncture might stimulate nervous and connective tissue in a beneficial manner. Acupuncture is often proposed as a treatment for various conditions, such as:
– Headaches
– Nausea
– Neck pain
– Back pain
– Respiratory problems
– Osteoarthritis
– Labor pain
– And more
Like any medical or therapeutic treatment, acupuncture has some risks and side effects. Common side effects include minor bleeding and bruising where needles are inserted or slight discomfort when needles are placed. When performed under the hand of a trained professional, the risk of infection is extremely low as all needles are single-use and disposed of afterward. Those who have bleeding disorders or those with pacemakers are not recommended to try acupuncture.
School that Acupuncturists Attend to Practice in Las Vegas
Acupuncturists are licensed professionals and must complete extensive schooling and training before they can open a practice and treat clients without supervision. In the US in general, the minimum requirement is attending an accredited acupuncturist program and completing a master’s degree. Many acupuncturists receive a doctorate degree.
In Nevada, a person must complete an accredited 4-year program in Oriental medicine at a board-approved school that consists of at least 2,800 hours of instruction. Students of acupuncture receive training and knowledge in biology, biophysics, anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, etc.
After completing formal education, a person must complete a written and practical exam issued by a board-approved national organization before they can practice acupuncture. Acupuncturists in Nevada must also complete at least 10 hours of continuing education per year to maintain their license.
In other words, acupuncturists must go through extensive schooling and a rigorous licensing procedure before they can practice. They are trained professionals.
10 Best Acupuncturist Offices in Las Vegas
1. Spring Mountains Acupuncture
Spring Mountains Acupuncture is a hub of wellness treatments located in Northeastern Vegas. At Spring Mountains Acupuncture, you will be under the care of Lisa Grant OMD. Grant is a double board-certified acupuncturist and a member of the American Board of Oriental and Reproductive Medicine.
At Sprig Mountains, treatments can consist of acupuncture, nutrition advice, lifestyle counseling, and wholeness: mind, body, and soul. Spring Mountains specializes in acupuncture and fertility treatments, ranging from IVF support, natural fertility supplements, pregnancy support, and more. Located in a convenient location, Spring Mountains is the top-rated acupuncture clinic in the Las Vegas area and faithfully serves the community.
2. Lok Acupuncture
Lok Acupuncture offers acupuncture and other traditional healing techniques to the Las Vegas area. Lok Acupuncture is helmed by Dr. Peter Lok, a member, and president of the Nevada State Board of Oriental Medicine. Dr. Lok received his education and training in Hong Kong and has worked with acupuncturists and other medical professionals around the world. Dr. Lok was actually one of the first acupuncturists to introduce board standards and certifications to the Nevada legislature in the early 70s.
3. Las Vegas Integrative Medicine
Integrative medicine offers acupuncture and other kinds of alternative medicine and treatments to the general Las Vegas public. Acupuncture services at Las Vegas Integrative Medicine are offered by Yoojin Lee-Sedera N.D. and Grace Im, O.M.D, both of whom have national certifications in acupuncture services and oriental medicine. Integrative Medicine offers acupuncture services for post-op recovery, headaches/migraines, insomnia, menstrual cramps, muscle aches, stress management, joint pain, and more.
At Las Vegas Integrative Medicine they accept personal injury liens so you can get acupuncture treatments covered for your cases by speaking with your attorney.
4. Dr. Linda Chow
Linda Chow is the director of the Oriental Medicine Board for the State of Nevada and has achieved her doctorate of Oriental Medicine in the state of Nevada and is NCCAOM certified in Chinese herbology and acupuncture. Cr. Chow offers acupuncture services for a wide range of conditions, including weight loss, pain management, anti-aging, smoking cessation, and various other kinds of herbal therapies.
5. True Family Clinic
True Family Clinic is another popular Las Vegas acupuncture clinic that serves the local population. True Family Clinic is led by Yoriko Kubonayam OMD who is licensed in the state of Nevada as an Oriental Medical Doctor and certified in the use of focal rejuvenation acupuncture. In addition to her acupuncture treatments, patients can receive herbal therapy treatments and general diet and nutritional advice to lead a healthier life.
6. Integrative Acupuncture
Integrative Acupuncture is located in southwestern Las Vegas and is a prime location for Acupuncture services in the state and greater Southwestern region. Integrative Approach features a large roster of board-certified acupuncturists including Rachel Kohl, OMD and Dr. Leslie Pasternack, OMD. Integrative Acupuncture’s approach is focused on delivering pain-management acupuncture. Their acupuncture treatment can stimulate anti-inflammatory mechanisms and regular pain relieving and mood elevating chemicals. Integrative Acupuncture also makes sure to tailor specific treatment plans to their patient’s unique needs.
7. Alignology Center for Synergistic Healing
Alignology is located in the southern part of Las Vegas and offers a wide range of holistic and synergistic treatments for a wide range of conditions. Alignology has a team of several board certified healthcare professionals with experience in issues such as chiropractor ship, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and more. You can schedule an appointment online and schedule a tour of their facilities.
8. Chiropractic Healing Center
At Chiropractic Healing Center, you can get especially targeted chiropractic and alternative healing therapeutic treatments. In addition to acupuncture services, Chiropractic Healing Center offers massage services and chiropractic services for issues such as sports injury family care, and accident injury rehabilitation. They have a highly trained team of licensed acupuncture specialists who can provide targeted care for a wide range of issues and conditions that may be targeted by acupuncture therapy. Chiropractic healing Center also accepts a wide range of insurance plans including Medicare and CIGNA insurance plants.
9. Acupuncture Vegas
Acupuncture Vegas offers Oriental Medicine along with acupuncture treatments, herbal medicine, and healing therapies. Acupuncture Vegas is headed by Dr. Alyssa Wampole who received her Masters in Oriental Medicine from Emperor’s College and also is certified in teaching Tai-Chi. Wampole is also an author and has written several books on spiritual health and wellness. Dr. Heather Galloway also offers her acupuncture service and has her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Acupuncture Vegas offers competitive and package pricing
10. Sage Acupuncture
Sage Acupuncture offers both healing services and acupuncture services for a wide range of conditions for wellness and health care. At Sage, you can get a full course of services and treatment modalities including herbal treatments, needling techniques including acupuncture, cupping therapy, and more. Treatment plans at Sage can offer multiple types of treatment modalities for a well-rounded and robust treatment. Sage also offers cutting edge electro acupuncture which combines small-scale electrotherapy with traditional acupuncture for deeper tissue stimulation. You can schedule an appointment or consultation on their website to see if Sage Acupuncture would be right for you.
Acupuncture is a wonderful treatment modality that is becoming increasingly popular in the West and the United States. Acupuncture has especially become very popular in Las Vegas and several clinics have opened that offer acupuncture services. Thanks to new guidelines, acupuncture practitioners in the state must pass stringent guidelines before they can practice, so you can get acupuncture services with the guarantee that you will be under the care of a trained professional. Acupuncture can be an interesting therapeutic modality to treat uncommon conditions or conditions that are resistant to conventional medication.
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