Becoming a friend or family member’s PCS caregiver is among the most selfless and considerate things that you could do for a sick or elderly loved one. Getting paid for it is even more advantageous.

However, you should look into your state’s certification and training requirements for caregivers beforehand. Nevada issues different types of certifications.

To choose the best option for yourself and your loved one, you may want to keep reading this article to learn about the importance of certifications, when you have to hold one, and how to find a state-approved program in your area.

Caregiver Responsibilities

Here are the responsibilities that caregivers have towards the persons that they provide care for:

  • Administering the patient’s medications and/or reminding them of when it’s time to take them.
  • Completing errands and daily tasks.
  • Cooking food and preparing meal plans.
  • Helping the sick or elderly person with housekeeping and chores.
  • Assisting them with personal care and activities of daily living (ADLs).
  • Improving and enhancing the quality of life of the patient that they’re caring for.
  • Offering companionship.
  • Providing support for those that have physical or cognitive medical conditions.

Keep in mind that this list isn’t entirely inclusive. Some elderly caregivers may only have to fulfill one or a few of the above responsibilities, while others might take on additional tasks that weren’t mentioned.

At the end of the day, every caregiver implements a specialized and individualized treatment plan that revolves around the patient’s needs and medical circumstances.

Why is a caregiver certification important?

If you are thinking of becoming a caregiver or obtaining a certification so that you can help a sick or elderly loved one, the relevant training programs will showcase that you have the skills and expertise to provide your family member or friend with high-quality and professional-level care.

Moreover, passing tests and getting certified further underlines the knowledge and information that you gained by completing the caregiver training courses.

Is a caregiver certification required?

Some people, namely personal caregivers, will largely benefit from participating in training programs and attaining a certificate. However, you don’t need to do so to be able to care for a family member or friend.

Others, such as caregivers who want to work for a nursing home or assisted living facility, must obtain a certificate.

What types of caregivers in Nevada require a certificate?

The following positions require caregivers to have a certificate in order to get hired:

Consumer Directed Personal Care Services (PCS) Caregivers

Before getting started with PCS caregiving, you have to complete caregiver training courses and pass the certification tests.

To clarify, PCS caregivers are those who are hired by a sick or elderly family member, relative, or friend that receives Medicaid benefits. In turn, Medicaid pays PCS caregivers to support someone that they know, such as a child, relative, or parent.

Home Health Aides

Home health aides are professionals who provide residential care giving services through an agency. Before doing so, they have to undergo the certification training courses and pass their tests.

When comparing the advantages of PCS vs regular home aides, the former is more beneficial for the patient since they can hire anyone that they want, including friends and family members.

Although regular home aides are trained, the areas that they specialize in are determined by the agency that employed them. PCS caregivers, on the other hand, enroll in certification programs that are based on the care recipient’s medical condition and the type of help that they need.

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

Caregivers in Las Vegas can become CNAs by doing the following:

  • Finishing at least 75 hours of a state-approved CNA training program at a university or college.
  • Successfully passing the certification exam.
  • Completing another 12 hours of ongoing caregiver education (CE) courses on an annual basis. This allows them to retain and hold on to their CNA certification.

If you are trying to determine which certification is most suitable for your and your loved one’s needs, you may want to study your options carefully before committing to the training hours so that you make the right choice.

After that, you can start the process of obtaining your certificate.

How to Become a Certified Caregiver

Here are the steps that you should follow to get certified as a caregiver:

  1. Find a Nevada Department of Health and Human Services-approved caregiver training program.
  2. Complete the training courses that you enroll in.
  3. Pass the certification exam.

You may be able to identify caretaker programs in your area that are offered by local universities, vocational schools, online providers, the Red Cross (or a similar entity), and/or local and national facilities that are in your city or town.

How much does it cost to become a certified caregiver?

To get a certification that is recognized by the state of Nevada, you would have to pay $59. Meanwhile, nationally-valid certifications cost $79.

Having said that, you will certainly recover your expenses right away once you start getting paid to assist a friend or family member.

In the same vein, the support that your sick or elderly loved one receives from you, as someone whom they trust, is valueless, even more so when you’re trained and certified.

