What Is the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development?
The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) program was established in the late 1970’s to promote quality and affordability in housing throughout New York City. In addition to protecting tenants from overpriced housing, the HPD works to support diversity and strength in New York City neighborhoods by performing the following functions:
● keeping housing affordable and accessible
● working with nonprofits to maintain reasonable prices in New York City neighborhoods
● offering tax exemptions
● providing repair loans to homeowners
● updating houses to make them more energy efficient
● protecting the rights and safety of New York City tenants
● preventing harassment and displacement of tenants by landlords
● providing legal representation to low-income tenants in Housing Court
● rehabilitating distressed city-owned properties
● offering aging-in-place programs to make homes more accessible to disabled and elderly populations
● restoring community assets to stabilize public spaces
● reducing health hazards in buildings with lead paint
How does the HPD interact with the following entities:
The HPD provides support and protection to New York City tenants who require assistance with housing-related matters. Some of the ways that the HPD interacts with tenants include the following:
● Tenants may contact the HPD for help if they are at risk of being evicted. The HPD provides resources to educate tenants about methods they can use to avoid eviction as well as resources such as the One-Shot Deal program and the Homebase program. These programs are designed to give tenants the chance to establish a plan so as to stabilize their housing situation.
● The HPD offers tenants-in-need free legal services in the case of an eviction notice. Seniors who are not able to pay rent or individuals in serious situations that warrant an inability to pay rent are eligible to request these free services. For more information contact:
○ The Housing Court Answers (HCA) hotline: (212) 577-3300
○ Or call 311 for assistance of this nature.
● If a property where a tenant is living has a severe issue, such as mold, bedbugs, insect infestations, lack of carbon monoxide and fire detectors, or other issues, they may call the HPD to report the situation if the property owner does not address it. The HPD is the governing body in NYC responsible for managing the rights and requirements of both owners and tenants.
● The HPD manages issues related to tenant harassment and housing discrimination. If you are a tenants and you believe that an owner is withholding services or being discriminatory in some way, you may contact the HPD Anti-Harassment Unit (AHU) by calling 311.
● The laws and regulations related to rent prices and increases, lease renewals and increases, property rules, property safety, and other related matters are regulated by the HPD.
Property owners in New York City are protected by the rules and regulations set forth by the HPD and also offer assistance and support from this department. Homeowners who live in their property as well as property managers are protected and supported by the HPD. The HPD may interact with homeowners and property managers in the following ways:
● Property managers must register their property/properties with the HPD each year on September 1st. This registration entitles them access to HPD resources and ensures that they can legally rent to tenants.
● Homeowners are required and/or encouraged to follow the design guidelines set forth by the HPD when they are remodel a home. Some of these guidelines include:
● Homeowners and property managers may be eligible to receive financing for lead paint removal in certain situations. Visit this page for more information.
● Eligible first-time homebuyers can receive financial assistance of up to $40,000 from the HPD on their down-payment or closing costs. For more information about the HomeFirst Down Payment Assistance program, visit this link.
Property developers in New York City also receive support and assistance from the HPD in the following ways:
● The HPD’s Labor Monitoring Unit (LMU) is responsible for managing and enforcing federal and state laws regarding payroll and wages, worker complaints, and labor/employment violations. Complaints may be made via:
Telephone hotline: (212) 863-5002 or
Email: [email protected]
● The HPD maintains a list of focus areas that are slated for or currently under development. Interested developers may utilize this list to communicate with agencies or responsible organizations in order to contribute their services.
● Developers must stay up-to-date on labor regulations, housing requirements, and citywide standards at all times. The HPD provides a regularly updated online area with this information for developers to reference.
The HPD is a significant resource for vendors in NYC. Some of the ways that the HPD interacts with vendors include the following:
● Vendors who wish to work with the City may contact the HPD and submit a competitive bid for those contracts valued at over $100,000. Learn more about contract opportunities with HPD by visiting this link.
● The HPD maintains a regularly updated list of major development opportunities in the city, including RFPs (Requests for Proposals), RFQs (Requests for Qualifications), and RFEIs (Requests for Expressions of Interest). View the list of these opportunities here.
● The M/WBE Building Opportunity Initiative supports the participation of minority- or women-owned and led enterprises and non-profit organizations in New York City by providing these organizations with funding opportunities, contract options, and inclusion programs.
Community Workers
Community workers are an essential aspect of housing and property development in NYC. The HPD interacts with community workers in the following ways:
● Community groups dedicated to maintaining information and details on local properties and housing opportunities are frequently supported by the HPD.
● The HPD Outreach Van is staffed by community engagement teams. These individuals travel throughout NYC and provide information and services directly to NYC residents. If you wish for the van to visit your neighborhood, contact [email protected].
● The HomeBase homelessness prevention program is managed and administered by Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in NYC. These organizations provide casework services as well as child care, anti-eviction services, and job training for families and individuals.
● Housing Ambassadors are community-based service providers dedicated to helping NYC residents understand and gain access to the NYC Housing Connect Affordable Housing Lotteries that are offered by the HPD.
How You Can Get Approved for Low Income Housing in NYC
The HPD provides Section 8 Vouchers for occupancy in buildings that have been renovated or developed specifically to serve the needs of low-income families and homeless individuals who have been referred by the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) or the Human Resources Administration (HRA). To get approved for low-income housing, you cannot submit an application as a member of the general public. Rather, you must gain eligibility and submit an application through one of the following:
● Designated channels within HPD
● Management staff through other city agencies
● Management staff through other housing providers
To become eligible to apply for low-income housing in New York City, you must meet the following requirements:
● One member of your family must meet the documentation requirements as a U.S. citizen or demonstrate eligibility for U.S. citizenship.
● The applicant must be able to provide social security numbers for any family members who are claiming U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S citizenship.
● No member of the applicant’s household can be subject to lifetime registration under the state sex offender registration program.
● No member of the applicant’s household shall have been convicted for producing methamphetamines in a federally-assisted housing unit.
● Applicants must be within the required income limits based on their family size.
Use the contact information below for more specific details about how to obtain Section 8 eligibility for low-income housing in New York City.
How do I contact HPD NYC?
Who you contact at the HPD depends on what your exact needs are. Below we’ve listed contact information for the various departments at the HPD in New York City:
● Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing applicants should consider sending an email rather than contacting this department via telephone to get a faster response. If you call the helpline, leave a detailed voice message.
Affordable Housing Lottery Helpline: 212-863-7990
Affordable Housing Email: [email protected]
● Section 8
There are a number of rental subsidy programs in operation through the HPD, but the majority are administered through the Section 8 Housing Voucher (HCV) program. This program offers federal funding that’s used to assist certain eligible low-income families find affordable rental housing in safe neighborhoods.
HPD offers rental assistance through the following rental subsidy programs:
● Continuum of Care Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (CoC Mod SRO)
● Continuum of Care Shelter Plus Care (CoC SPC)
● NYC 15/15
● Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab)
Under Section 8, families pay a reasonable proportion of their income toward rent (typically 30%). Subsidies paid by HPD make up the remainder of the rental payment to the landlord. To receive assistance through this program, tenants and landlords must meet certain requirements.
If you are a Section 8 participant who is experiencing a rental hardship to diminished income, contact HPD at:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 212-863-5299
Homeowners / Landlords with questions about Section 8 should contact HPD at:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 212-863-8529
● Development
If you’re doing housing development contact the relevant department below via email or telephone:
Supportive Housing: [email protected]
New Construction: [email protected]
Storm Recovery (Build It Back): 212-615-8329, [email protected]
Preservation: [email protected]
Inclusionary Housing: 212-863-8228
Property Disposition and Finance: [email protected]
Mitchell-Lama: 212-863-6500
For more information, click to visit the relevant webpage for program contact information:
● Home Repair and Preservation Financing
● Neighborhood Strategies and Planning
HPD works with community leaders to preserve and develop affordable housing options that will enhance the diversity, safety, and livability of New York City neighborhoods.
Planning and Predevelopment: 212-863-6097
Community Partnerships: [email protected]
Neighborhood Development and Stabilization: 212-863-6865
● Asset and Property Management
In response to the 2008 foreclosure crisis, The Center for New York City Neighborhoods (CNYCN) was created to promote the preservation of affordable home ownership in New York City. This non-profit organization involves the collaboration of the New York City Council, the mayor, various foundations and community advocates, and corporate leaders. Through the CNYCN program, homeowners receive legal services and counseling free of charge.
There are several department leaders in the Asset and Property Management division of HPD. Contact the relevant department listed below:
Foreclosure Notification: Local Law 4 of 2012
The Local Law 4 of 2012 requires that mortgagees notify HPD within 15 days after they begin or discontinue a mortgage foreclosure action against a residential property owner. Notifications are also required if a mortgagee receives a judgment following a foreclosure action, if they sell a property in foreclosure, or if a recipient is appointed.
Property Registration: 212-863-7000, [email protected]
Homeowner Mortgage Servicing: 212-863-6914, [email protected]
Film Permits on HPD Property: [email protected]
● Legal Affairs
HPD only accepts service in person on Mondays and Wednesdays between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM (excluding holidays). If you are seeking to serve HPD, contact us at one of the following email addresses:
General service: [email protected]
In-person service: [email protected] and/or [email protected]
Contact the Housing Litigation Division (HLD) with electronic service of emergency housing actions via the email address for the relevant borough:
Bronx: [email protected]
Brooklyn: [email protected]
Manhattan: [email protected]
Queens and Staten Island: [email protected]
Service by mail is also accepted by the HLD. For mail service, please note the correct room number on your envelope that corresponds to the proper borough:
Bronx: 6Q3
Brooklyn: 6X2
Manhattan: 6R2
Queens & Staten Island: 6N3
At this time, service is being accepted electronically for HPD only. The law requires that service of process on individual employees must continue through a procedure required by the applicable laws. If you’re seeking to serve process on an employee at HPD, you can do so electronically and send a request to the appropriate email address listed above.
● Accessibility
Affordable housing is available for people with disabilities through the HPD. To obtain information or apply for affordable housing for disabled individuals, below is the contact information for the relevant department:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-863-6486.
● Employment and HR Verification
If you’re seeking employment with the HPD, contact the employment or HR verification department either by email or telephone:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-863-6710
● COVID-19 Policies and Protocols
The HPD has developed a Restart/Safety Plan to address COVID-19 concerns. This plan outlines the workplace risks involved in the spread of COVID-19 for staff, visitors, and clients. Visit the Safety Plan Template Page for more information about how the HPD is working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 or you can submit questions to us directly via the COVID-19 Contact Form.
Where is HPD located?
The HPD is an important resource for tenants and homeowners who need assistance with housing due to safety issues or high costs. Visit the HPD headquarters in-person at the following address:
100 Gold Street
New York, NY 10038