Medicaid, a joint federal and state program, helps cover medical costs for people with limited income and resources. In Indiana, this program is administered by the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA). Eligible residents receive a Medicaid card, also known as a Hoosier Health Card, which they can use to access medical services. This blog post will delve into the details of Medicaid cards in Indiana, covering aspects like eligibility, application process, benefits, and usage.

Georgia Medicaid card

Eligibility for Medicaid in Indiana

Indiana Medicaid provides coverage to adults, pregnant women, infants, children, elderly, and individuals with disabilities who meet certain income requirements to qualify. The income threshold varies depending on the category of eligibility, such as age, family size, and disability status. For the most current information on eligibility criteria, it’s recommended to visit the Indiana FSSA website or consult a healthcare advisor.

Applying for Medicaid in Indiana

The application process for Medicaid in Indiana can be completed online through the FSSA Benefits Portal. Applicants need to provide information about their income, citizenship or immigration status, and other personal details. After submitting the application, the FSSA reviews it and determines eligibility. If approved, the individual receives a Hoosier Health Card in the mail.

Understanding Your Hoosier Health Card

The Hoosier Health Card is a plastic card similar to a credit card. It has the cardholder’s name, a unique member ID card number, and the name of the managed care entity (MCE) the individual is enrolled with if applicable. The card should be presented to healthcare providers at each visit to ensure that the correct Medicaid coverage is billed.

Benefits Covered

Indiana Medicaid covers a variety of health services. These include preventive care like screenings and check-ups, hospital stays, doctor visits, mental health services, prescription drugs, dental care and certain types of home- and community-based services. It’s important to note that some services may require prior authorization.

Using Your Medicaid Card

Medicaid recipients should use their Hoosier Health Card for all healthcare services covered under the program. It’s essential to show your card at every healthcare visit, and also inform your healthcare provider if you have any other health care or insurance. If you lose your card, contact FSSA immediately to get a replacement.

Remember, while Medicaid can provide crucial support for healthcare needs, it’s important for recipients to understand how their specific health coverage works. Always check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist to ensure that the services or medications you need are covered by Medicaid to avoid unexpected costs.



The Indiana Medicaid program plays a vital role in ensuring that vulnerable populations in the state have access to healthcare. The Hoosier Health Card is a key component of this program, enabling eligible individuals to access the services they need.

If you’re eligible and need healthcare coverage, don’t hesitate to apply. And if you’re already a recipient, make sure you understand how to use your card to make the most of your benefits. For more information, visit the Indiana FSSA website or reach out to a healthcare advisor.

Please note that the details provided above are based on the general guidelines of Indiana Medicaid and can change as per new regulations, programs, or updates in the policy. Always refer to official sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

