If you pay attention to developments in the health and wellness space, you already know that CBD oil has been a popular topic in recent years. This product seems to be gaining significantly in popularity, but many people still don’t know what it is or what it may do. With this article, we’d like to clear up some of the confusion that you may have surrounding this topic, and also help you understand how Medicaid deals with CBD oil.

The Right Side of the Law
It’s important to note early in the article that you need to check the legality of any product you hope to buy and use. This point can be a little confusing, because the rules change from state to state – and state rules don’t always line up with federal regulations. Additionally, there can be differences between hemp-based and marijuana-based products, so it’s important to pay attention to the details. Stay on the right side of the law with regard to these products so you don’t run into any unwanted issues.
What is CDB oil?
This is the natural place to get started. What is this stuff, anyway? If you first associate CBD oil with marijuana when you hear it brought up by friends or family members, you aren’t far off – but this isn’t the same thing as marijuana. Rather, to make CDB oil, the chemical compound cannabidiol is extracted from the cannabis plant. That compound is then diluted with an oil before it is sold.
One of the key differences between marijuana and CBD oil is the fact that CBD oil does not have the psychoactive effects that are delivered by marijuana. In other words, there is no high associated with using this kind of product. Individuals use it in an effort to treat a long list of medical conditions, but it is not used as a means of achieving a high. With that in mind, CBD oil is legal for use in far more places than marijuana (although more and more states are legalizing marijuana in recent years).
Regular marijuana has been used for years as a pain relief option, with it often being legal for medicinal use even in places where it is illegal recreationally. However, those who chose to use it for pain management would still incur the high that comes along with marijuana use, whether they wanted that high or not. By taking that out of the equation, it’s possible to reap some of the benefits of this compound’s pain-relieving effects without having to deal with psychoactive implications. For some, this will be a big selling point, and it will make CBD oil an appealing alternative treatment.
What are the Medical Benefits of CBD Oil?
Before we get into this section, we need to make one thing clear from the start – the medical benefits of using CBD oil are still very much debated. Some people swear by its abilities, while others are dubious that it offers little more than a placebo effect. There simply is not enough scientific data behind the use of this product to confirm its abilities one way or the other. As you work on deciding whether or not this product is a good option for your needs, you’ll want to do your own research and educate yourself even further on the topic.
So, with that said, CBD oil is often used to address pain associated with various conditions. It can be difficult to live with persistent pain day after day, so those in chronic pain will look to a variety of solutions to solve their problem. If CBD oil has the potential to help reduce your pain, it is at least worth a closer look. The oil has the potential to manage pain by altering something called endocannabinoid receptor activity within your body. By reducing inflammation, you might be able to cut down on your level of pain through this simple treatment.
One possible category of people who could benefit from CBD oil is those with arthritis. As anyone with arthritis already knows, this is a painful condition that can significantly pull down your overall quality of life – and may even stop you from doing certain activities altogether.
The potential benefits of CBD oil go well beyond pain management. There are other issues that you can attempt to treat with this product, such as anxiety, symptoms that result from cancer treatment, and even acne. Again, the actual efficacy of CBD oil when dealing with these conditions is up for debate and not proven, but there has been some indication that it might have a positive effect for some individuals.
Potential Side Effects of CBD Oil Use
With regard to side effects, there is some good news – most CBD oil users don’t experience notable side effects. Everything you put into your body comes with the potential of some side effects, but for the most part, the risk of significant side effects is pretty low when using CBD oil.
That said, you do want to know what is possible so you can pay attention to your body and keep yourself healthy. After all, if any side effects rise to a significant level, you’ll need to discontinue use of the CBD oil and reconsider your plan. So, what kinds of things can you experience if you start taking CBD oil regularly? Check out the following points –
- Drowsiness – As with many other kinds of treatments, it’s possible that using CBD oil will make you drowsy, at least to some degree. With that in mind, don’t use this product in any situation where becoming drowsy later would be a problem.
- Lightheadedness – If you begin to feel lightheaded after using CBD oil, you may be experiencing a side effect of the treatment. Monitor this condition to be sure it doesn’t go too far and put you in a dangerous situation.
- Dry mouth – While not particularly dangerous in most cases, having a dry mouth can be uncomfortable and may lead you to reconsider your use of CBD oil.
- Low blood pressure – Obviously, anything impacting your blood pressure should be taken very seriously, so this is not a side effect to overlook.
- Gastrointestinal issues – Another possible problem to be encountered is problems with your stomach, such as stomach aches or diarrhea.
Significant side effects of using CBD oil may go far enough to no longer make it worth what you might gain. In other words, the problems you are solving with the CBD oil might not be as significant as the ones you are creating. So, always pay close attention to any side effects that pop up and weigh them against the issues that you are attempting to treat.
Be Aware of Drug Interactions
Anytime you introduce something new to your body, you need to be sure and consider how it might interact with other substances that you ingest regularly. In other words, you don’t want to start using CBD oil only to find that it has a negative impact on other medications that you use to manage your health. As you might imagine, the potential interactions between CBD oil and other drugs are complicated to say the least, so this is a topic to give careful consideration if you have ongoing prescriptions.
The best thing you can do here is simply to talk to your doctor. Your health care professional is the best person to provide insight on what you can take safely, and what should be avoided. Your doctor will not only know what medicines you are taking currently, but also how much of those drugs you are taking, and how long you will be taking them for. It might be that you simply can’t use CBD oil as long as you are taking certain drugs, or it might be that you can start using CBD oil as long as your doctor monitors your health and makes adjustments as necessary moving forward.
CBD Oil and Medicaid
When considering CBD oil, the first thing you are going to think about is the potential benefits of its use. And, you’ll have to think of other key points, such as legality in your area and the potential interactions with other drugs you need to take. If you manage to check off all of those points, however, you will eventually get to another key issue – the cost. While CBD oil is not as expensive as some other treatment options you may explore, it certainly isn’t free. For those on a tight budget, it might not be possible to purchase the CBD oil needed to begin treatment.
At the point you realize that the purchase of CBD oil may be cost prohibitive for you, the thought of having Medicaid pay for your CBD oil may come into your mind. After all, Medicaid pays for a long list of different health care treatments, so would it be possible to have your benefits pay for this, as well? Unfortunately, the answer is going to be no in most cases.
The issue at play here is the fact that the Food and Drug Administration has not approved the use of CBD oil for treating medical conditions. Yes, people use it for that purpose, but it has not been formally approved by the FDA for such use. As a result, the vast majority of CBD oil products are not covered by Medicaid, and you will need to purchase them out of pocket if you would like to use them for treatment.
There is an exception to this general rule, but it will only apply to a small number of people. If you need to treat epilepsy, there is a CBD medication which is designed to do that – and that treatment has been FDA approved. So, if your doctor would like you to use that medication to address your epilepsy, you may be able to get Medicaid coverage for your prescription. Otherwise, you’ll be out of luck when trying to get Medicaid to buy your CBD oil.
Will Medicaid Pay for CBD Oil in PA?
Medical Marijuana and Medicaid Coverage
Medicaid, a joint federal and state program providing healthcare coverage to low-income individuals, does not cover medical marijuana. This is due to marijuana’s classification as a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, indicating it has no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Consequently, despite the growing acceptance of medical marijuana at the state level, Medicaid programs across the United States, including Pennsylvania, do not provide reimbursement for medical marijuana expenses.
Medical Marijuana in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana in 2016 with the passage of the Medical Marijuana Act (Act 16). The program allows patients with specific medical conditions, such as chronic pain, PTSD, and epilepsy, to obtain medical marijuana through state-approved dispensaries. However, patients are responsible for all associated costs, as Medicaid and other insurance programs do not cover these expenses.
Implications for Patients
Patients in Pennsylvania relying on Medicaid for healthcare must bear the full cost of medical marijuana out-of-pocket. This includes not only the product itself but also associated costs such as physician consultation fees required to obtain a medical marijuana certification. This financial burden can be significant, especially for low-income individuals who may already face economic hardships.
The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program – often abbreviated as CDPAP – is a Medicaid program that allows individuals who need ongoing care to choose the person that will provide that care. Often, this means the individual is able to select a family member or trusted friend to provide the care they need, and the Medicaid system will compensate that caregiver for their work. The topic of CDPAP certainly deserves an article all its own, but this is a valuable program that has helped many people get the care they need from someone they trust.
So, how does CBD oil play into the CDPAP program? Well, as mentioned earlier, Medicaid does not pay for CBD oil in most cases, except for a specific epilepsy drug. So, regardless of a CDPAP arrangement, the purchase of the CBD oil will not be covered by Medicaid.
As for the caregiver administering CBD oil, the same considerations should be made as any individual will make when considering using this product. In other words, the patient’s doctor should be involved in any decision to use CBD oil, as it is important to make sure it’s safe to use with other medications. If a CBD oil product is administered, it should always be given within the guidelines provided with the oil.
Need Medicaid Assistance? Contact an NY Law Firm
Whether you have questions about acquiring CDB oil while on Medicaid benefits, or you need other help related to Medicaid, an experienced NY law firm is a great place to start. With the right law office on your side, you’ll be able to get answers to your questions so you can move forward with confidence. Medicaid benefits can make a big difference in your quality of life, so don’t take this topic for granted. Thank you for visiting and good luck!
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